Change Happens…

Steve (dignitas country director) & tiffany (dignitas executive director) handing out new textbooks yesterday

Steve (dignitas country director) & tiffany (dignitas executive director) handing out new textbooks yesterday

when people make intentional choices to do so.  if you don’t alread know, last year i co-founded a non-profit organization called the dignitas project.  we work to help restore dignity that has been lost or taken away by and from children of impoverished communities.  our first project is in a slum area in Nairobi, Kenya known as Mathare.  we work with the community and help catalyze indigenous leadership that will help improve education and life for the next generation.  it’s an incredible privilege to work with some of the most passionate leaders i’ve ever

Students Taking Home New Textbooks

Students Taking Home New Textbooks

encountered.  everyday, these young leaders give everything they have and everything they are to the betterment of Mathare.  they are constantly investing the next generation.  it’s humbling because i typically serve/volunteer/give out of my excess rather than my core.  though some of these leaders may look to me for leadership and insight, i have learned so much from my fellow leaders on the ground.  i’m writing to let anyone who reads this know that this week our partner schools have received new textbooks.  textbook ratios for our schools were anywhere from 40-100 students to 1 textbook.  no, it’s not a typo and yes, it is completely unjust or downright wrong!!!  how can we create change?  how can we help fight injustice in this world?  how can we change the future for children who are radically affected by poverty?  by making intentional choices of getting involved.  change happens when we change our current course and give ourselves away…  take a look at our current cause.  we are still trying to raise more money to provide more textbooks.  help us change lives today!!!  go to our site and blog to donate or check out our cause on facebook